아시안의 평화로운 상생을 꿈꾸다.
아시안의 평화로운 상생을 꿈꾸다.
When we start to like someone, we tend to look for similarities between that person and ourselves,
and when we feel distant from someone, we tend to focus on the differences between us and that person.
Asian Cultural Center aims to form intimacy by finding similarities between nations and ethnic groups.
We will strive to understand everything as we become closer to one another.
Asian Cultural Center aims to create a community that coexists peacefully while respecting cultural differences.
We would like to take this path together with you.
We ask for your active participation and support in realizing "Asia that respects differences, Asians who respect differences,"
and "Republic of Korea that respects differences, citizens of the Republic of Korea who respect differences."
1. 아시아문화연구원 홈페이지 : www.acc.or.kr
2. 아시아문화연구원 페이스북
아시아문화연구원 - acc | Suwon | Facebook
3. 아시아문화연구원 유튜브
The Asian TV 더, 아시안 TV - YouTube
4. 2015년 이전까지의 자료